Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Homeschool Curriculum 2011-2012

This will be my very first year homeschooling the children. I find it funny how just a few years ago I was saying how I would never homeschool and now I am eagerly awaiting the beginning of our homeschool adventure. It can't come quickly enough! I am filled with such excitement knowing without a doubt that this is something the Lord has called me to do. There is nothing better than being in the will of God and having perfect peace in the fact that God equips those He calls. I feel completely unqualified to homeschool my children, but I know that it is good to feel this way because I truly am unqualified to teach my children. Only God is the Giver of all true Wisdom and God loves to manifest Himself in broken vessels. God will be my source of strength, wisdom, and direction in this journey!
After hours of research I finally picked out which curriculum I'm going to be using for the upcoming 2011-2012 school year beginning this July. Here is what I picked for this year-

Emma Grace- 5th grade
Switched on Schoolhouse for all subjects by Alpha and Omega
Penmanship- Copywork from NKJV Bible, Hymn books, and poetry.
Doorposts- Polished Cornerstones- Character Development
Home Economics- Cooking with mom, basic sewing with Great Grandma!
Music- Piano, voice lessons, and guitar once a week.
Spelling- I am using this website to get spelling words for 5th grade level. Using the spelling words I have chose I then create a spelling list at a website called Spelling City where Emma can practice her words by playing games and taking spelling tests.

Rylan Matthew- 2nd grade
Math- Horizons Math
Science- Abeka
History- Abeka
Spelling/Poetry- Abeka
Language 2- Abeka
Bible- Switched on Schoolhouse 3rd grade
Penmanship- A Reason For Handwriting- cursive
Phonics/Reading- Rod and Staff- assortment of books which include "The Millers" and other books that keep Rylan's interest which probably include books about frogs, rocks, fossils, and insects.

More than academics I'm excited to be able to form an even stronger relationship with each of my children and be the one to train them up in the way they should go. I'm also eager to see them grow closer as brothers and sisters, but most of all closer to our Lord Jesus Christ! I feel like I have lost out on so many years of their life because of the long hours spent at school. The were fortunate to have gone to a wonderful, Godly christian school for those years- but after 8 hours of school and several hours of homework there was little time to be a family. Children are truly a blessing from the Lord and I'm so thankful that God has made it possible for me to be able to stay home with the children during this fleeting season of childhood.


  1. girl! we are in the same boat! I too, said never, and now will be homeschooling next year! but you are ahead in choosing the curriculum:) and I'll have a 5th and 2nd grader too! crazy!

  2. I'm excited for you! I hope it will be a great first year. :)

  3. Praying everything works out with your homeschooling; you have been given enough grace to face this chapter of your life:)



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