Monday, March 21, 2011

The Decision to Homeschool

God has revealed to me that it is His will for me to homeschool my children. This has been a very hard decision to make. I was one of those moms that used to say that I would NEVER homeschool my children. I had a list of many reasons why I would never homeschool which included- not enough patience, not smart enough, not enough time, didn't know how, kids wouldn't like it, kids would fall behind academically, they wouldn't know how to act/behave in the "real world", my family would think I'm weird (absolutely crazy) along with many, many more. With a difficult toddler on top of all those reasons I pretty much convinced myself that homeschooling would be impossible. As you all have heard, never say never and NOTHING is impossible with God. My children currently go to a wonderful christian school, but over the last several months God has given me a passion for homeschooling my children. Over the last 2 years my daughter has had hours of homework almost every night after school. This leaves barely any time to be together as a family. If my kids are gone 8 hours a day and they come home with homework then how will I "train my children up in the way they should go"? Whose job is it to raise my children? Is it the Sunday school teacher's job, the school's job, or is it my job? What is the real reason that I refuse to homeschool my children? Those were some of the questions I asked myself before making the decision to homeschool. To be completely honest, it is much easier for me to send my 2 oldest children to a christian school and only have 1 child at home. When my youngest naps, I have free time (me time). It's also easier to keep up with my housework with only 1 child at home. Notice how my reasoning was all about ME? The real reason I said I would NEVER homeschool was my own SELFISHNESS. I just had myself convinced otherwise. I want more than anything to glorify my Lord and do His Will. I know without a doubt that His Way is always the BEST Way! I feel complete peace with my decision to homeschool, although I know that this path will not be smooth sailing, but difficult at times. I also know that God's Grace is always sufficient. God doesn't call me to be perfect, but to be faithful. Just as I read in a wonderful book called "A Field Guide to Homeschooling", by Christine Field- "There are no perfect homeschoolers- just a number of commited people who put one foot in front of the other and step out in faith to do the job they feel called to do."

Just a quick end note:
Sending your child to a christian school and choosing not to homeschool is not wrong. The only way it is wrong is if God has called you to homeschool your children and you refuse to be obedient to the calling. I don't know how long God has called me to homeschool. It may only be for a year or until they graduate. I do know that I will continue to step out in obedience until God shows me otherwise.

This post was shared at Raising Homemakers as well as A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.


  1. Praying for you, and couldn't agree more with the quote you included by Mrs. Field!

  2. Maybe your homeschooling can include field trips up the the city to visit your cousin! ;-)

  3. Thanks for your prayers Rebecca!
    Yes, that would be awesome Jenn!

  4. I was the same way {neg. towards homeschool} until I realized my son is in school ALL day and then has to come home and do more schoolwork {homework}. I'm hoping to homeschool soon. I also have little time to teach him truths about God I want him to know. I teach him with what time I have but, I want him to be around me all day so he can see situations arise throughout the day and how I respond so he can learn godly responses. {Not that I have them all the time but, I can apologize and explain how I should have responded lol}.

    I would love for you to link this up at my Homemaking Party :)!

    Don't Waste your Homemaking

  5. I am also going to begin homeschooling. I homeschooled my oldest when he was in K and now he is in 2nd. My middle one is in K and I have a 2yr old. I have problems with my school district and also feel that God is also leading me to homeschool. I wish you the best on your journey.

  6. We homeschool three out of four - the fourth is "only" two, so she has yet to "officially" start, but how much she learns from her older brothers! It is not always easy and I almost always feel a half-a-step behind but it is well worth the effort and energy and the benefits of getting to see my children as they develop and as they grow is a frequent joy in my life. Good luck in your own journey!

  7. I just want to encourage you, that when God leads you to this, He will be there to guide you every step of the way. I felt as you did, 16 years ago. I'm about to graduate my 3rd child, and my two oldest are college graduates. They were homeschooled through high school. I have 3 more to go :-) Homeschooling has been a blessing for our family. Hard at times, I agree, but I'm so thankful that God led us to this decision.
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask :-)



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