Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A House or a Home

There’s a house that’s always empty while the family gads about.
Chasing empty dreams and pleasures- always feeling they’re burned out.
Spending all their strength on worthless things that soon will pass away,
Not living for eternity, only for today.

There’s a house without a Bible being read from faithfully,
Hungry souls and empty hearts who are starving spiritually.
There’s a home without a Mother to cherish and to train,
Neglecting her first calling, all other works now vain.

This house could be a home if she would seek to live God’s plan,
But she thinks she’ll find fulfillment in the love and praise of man.
There’s a house with a searching mother on how to make a home.
She desires to build God’s Kingdom, but knows she can’t do it alone.

She asks for the Lord’s forgiveness for wasting so many years,
Fully knowing that His calling will cost sacrifice and tears.
Now there’s a home with an open Bible that is read from faithfully,
A home that is built on prayer and a life that is lived purposely.

There’s a home that accepts God’s children as a blessing from God’s own hand,
A home filled with His treasures, seeing children as loved and planned.
There’s a home that has a table for the family to find rest,
Hearts at home are often happiest, hearts at home so very blessed.

There’s a home that has an altar where petitions are daily made,
A home where the love of Christ is beautifully displayed.

A house or a home will you pursue?
The choice is fully up to you.

Written By: Kristin Eason

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