Tuesday, July 26, 2022

When Pharmaceuticals Do More Harm than Good

(My own personal story) 
Some quick facts: -Prescription drugs taken “as prescribed” rather than abused are the fourth leading cause of death in this country, -They kill as many Americans every week as we lost on 9/11 in The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. (Stats: US News & World Report). 

-Did you know that there were 20 times more deaths due to the Covid shots than guns in 2021? There were 454 people killed by guns in the year 2021. 

 These statistics can be found in the Vaers Covid vaccine report. (May 20, 2022) -Psychiatric drugs are so harmful that they kill more than half a million people every year among those aged 65 and over in the US and Europe. 

 This makes psychiatric drugs possibly now the THIRD leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer! -

In the U.S. alone, 8.4 million kids are currently being prescribed psychiatric drugs. -Psychiatric drugs have proved to INCREASE mortality, the risk of suicide, and homicide! -Doctors, rather than patients are usually considered the best judge on whether a prescription medication is working or not. 

 Side effects are often dismissed and patients are often encouraged to continue treatment despite the negative, life altering consequences they have experienced. I have both experienced this and have also heard this from more people than I can count. 

 PLEASE understand in sharing this, I am NOT saying prescription medications are always wrong, not at all! 
What I will be sharing is my own PERSONAL experience that stole an entire year of my life, which is a very short time compared to what many others have lost. 

 My purpose in sharing this information is that I hope others will be aware that medications CAN and DO alter many people's ability to reason and think clearly, and often cause thoughts of suicide, apathy, depersonalization, hallucinations, paranoia, extreme brain fog, tremors, and akathisia, which is an extreme form of restlesness, among many other side effects. 

 Most times patients are not even warned about the potential side effects. THAT is concerning to me and should be to you as well! - SSRI’s kill 1 out of 28 people over 65 years of age treated for one year; that half of the patients get sexual side effects, and half of them have difficulty stopping them and have become dependent on them?

 I want others to know that SOME TIMES medications cause more harm than good. God's Word states in Revelation 18:23..." For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery ALL the nations were deceived." 

 Remember, the Greek word for sorcery is Pharmakeia (pharmacy). This verse is saying ALL nations, GREAT men of the earth will be deceived in the end times by Pharmakeia. And who would disagree that we are not living at the very close of this age?

 I believe there are MANY (possibly most) people wrongly labeled with mental disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar, among many other “disorders” that do not actually have any of these conditions. I believe when others speak out about the side effects they have experienced, their story is seldom welcomed or well received. 

 They are attacked and wrongly labeled, causing others to keep quiet about what they have experienced. I believe we have been lied to and mislead about many pharmaceuticals regarding their so called “benefits”. 

 I believe that a lot of people who try to wean off of anti-depressants and anxiety medications experience horrific side effects, but are told that they are just experiencing rebound anxiety and worsening of their depression so they remain on them for the rest of their life. Whenever I was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications I had extreme brain fog, which made me unable to have conversations with anyone because it was hard to even finish sentences. I would completely lose my train of thought mid sentence. 

 I had constant thoughts of dying, being detached from reality that felt like I was in a constant nightmare, extreme insomnia with very little sleep (2-3 hours) most nights, dilusional thoughts that seemed like reality, etc. Even though I wasn’t able to think clearly at all, I had the reasoning to know that this wasn’t normal so I became determined to get off of all medications. I started weaning very slowly and there were days that my symptoms were so much worse, but I knew that it would all be worth it in the end and decided to fight for the sake of my family. 

 After being completely off of all medications for about a month, my thoughts became completely normal once again and ALL abnormal thoughts subsided! I was SO happy to be alive and back to my “Normal” self. My family could all see a drastic 180 difference in me as well! Thanks be to GOD!! To this day I experience painless body tremors every day, which first began after taking Levaquin. Thankfully this is a side effect I can live with and does not affect my every day life.

 I am also unable to tell hot from cold on my lower half of my legs as well as my feet when taking a shower following medications. 
 Most of my issues began with the first pill of Levaquin, which caused doctors to put me on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, which only made things much worse. I will admit, the anti-anxiety medication did work and was needed because of the constant panic I would feel. 

 The first panic set in 30 minutes after taking Levaquin and got worse with each pill I would take. It felt like I was being constantly smothered and couldn’t breathe. I do believe what I experienced is very rare and not the norm, at least I hope it is! If you are reading this and are currently taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications and they have greatly helped you, please, please, please, don’t feel like I am speaking negatively towards you or look down on you at all! 

 I do not ever want to cause anyone to feel shamed because they use pharmaceuticals, not at all! They are necessary and needed at times. But, I also want the shaming to stop when we hear of someone having adverse effects and they warn others of this possibility. Perhaps you are someone who is on them and too scared to share what you have been experiencing, thinking something is wrong with you, so you keep silent.

 You’ve been on them and have noticed an INCREASE in suicidal thoughts, paranoia, body tremors, brain fog, depression. If that is you, read on. I want others to know that medications CAN completely change the way we behave, think, and perceive things. I also believe medications are being handed out WAY more frequently than they should and should almost always be considered for short term use if possible. 

 An example- I went to the ER after the birth of my daughter and was diagnosed with several abscesses following my hysterectomy, an illeus, c-dfiff infection, and placenta previa, I was quickly prescribed a Benzopine and labeled as having GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). I literally talked with the ER doctor for maybe 3-5 minutes and he was somehow able to make that prognosis. I wasn’t warned of the potential side effects of that medication or that they are nearly impossible to get off of, even after being on them a short time. 

 He didn't even take into account all of the trauma I had just gone through, which obviously was the cause of my anxiety. We must pray for wisdom and find a doctor who will take the time to listen to us if and when we experience side effects from our medications. The Lord Himself is called the Great Physician and we must look to Him for wisdom and let Him lead us to a doctor who genuinely has a heart for people who has dedicated their lives in helping others. 

 Depression and anxiety many times can be caused by hormone imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, medications, unconfessed sin, rebellion against God, past trauma or abuse, death of a loved one, among many other reasons. 

 It is SO IMPORTANT to consider ALL of those conditions before deciding is it’s best to begin treatment using pharmaceuticals. Sometimes depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, but did you know, there are natural, God-given things you can take for that? 

It’s concerning that usually our 1st resort is a prescription medication. We dismiss natural cures as “quackery”. Examples: I know someone who wasn't able to lose weight and was always tired and felt melancholy about life who found out her vitamin D level was extremely low. After her levels returned to normal, she began having more energy and a more positive outlook on life. She couldn't believe that a vitamin deficiency could have such a huge impact on her overall health and mental well being. I know another person who has a child that was labeled as having ADHD and was quickly put on medications to control it. 

 What the doctor doesn't know is this mother gives her child mostly sweets and processed foods consistently. Too bad she wasn't asked to change her child's diet first before trying the medication. Sadly, changing a child's diet takes too much effort for some and giving them a pill is easier. I am not shaming anyone taking medications for depression and anxiety because it has helped them return to normalcy in life again. 

 I used a benzo before having a c-section due to anxiety and it helped greatly, but this was a one time occurrence. The use of benzos are such a blessing to those who are nearing death and are restless from the dying process. I don't think there is a person who can honestly say that they have lived their entire lives without any anxiety or depression. Even the renowned men of faith faced depression, including Elijah, who even asked God to take his life. 

 So, before using a pharmaceutical as a first resort please consider- your vitamin D3 levels, your magnesium levels, how much sleep you are getting, thyroid disorders, your diet, exposure to black mold, your relationship with the Lord and others, your Thiamin levels, which can be dramatically depleted due to medications or excessive alcohol consumption, your hormone levels. 

 Perhaps you may not need a psychotropic drug, in fact, maybe you just need to start taking a high dosage of D3 and stop being a workaholic who has a bad habit of staying up all night. Or perhaps you may be depressed because you're going through menopause and your hormones are all out of whack which caused unwanted weight gain, mood swings, and irritability. Having depression or anxiety is not always a spiritual issue, nor is it always a physical issue. 

 We must get to the root of the problem, which is not always easy. You can not always pray away a true panic attack. You cannot “name it and claim it” when you are in the middle of a panic attack and you feel as if you are suffocating and gasping for air. 
 My first real panic attack was about an hour after taking Levaquin. I didn’t take any thought about what they were injecting into my IV. I trusted the doctor. 

 By the next morning I learned all I could about Levaquin after experiencing a night of stabbing neurological pains, anxiety, numbness, etc. Over time I was up to taking 4 mg of Ativan, which anyone who has ever been on a Benzo knows this is a CRAZY amount. And the more you take and longer you take it, the body becomes unresponsive to it. And when you go off of a Benzo suddenly it can cause death and rebound anxiety that I’ve heard is comparable, if not worse than coming off of heroin! In saying all of this, I do not encourage anyone to cut out medications without close medical intervention!! In fact, it is CRUCIAL! PLEASE don't ever do this on your own without help! Only you know how you feel and what seems to be working or not.

 I only encourage those on medications and know they are not helping or making them worse to find a doctor to help you figure out the root cause of your issues. We usually never hear about cheap and effective natural cures for depression and anxiety? 

 Often I believe it’s because there is no money in most natural cures. Big Pharma HATES cheap, effective, treatments because it affects their revenue !!! 

There is money is mental disorders, cancer, and other ailments. 

 Why would they want to make a cure that would cause a patient to no longer need them? Just something to think about. Here are some natural treatments for depression and anxiety- D3, Magnesium/Calcium, Thiamin, Niacin (wonderful for depression), Flaxseed (may reverse depression quickly), Ginkgo Biloba, Kava Root, Valerian Root, Passion Flower, Skullcap, St. John’s Wort, Turmeric (may take the place of anti-depressants and is one of the most powerful herbs! It beats Prozac and Ibuprofen. 

 And did you know that a handful of cashews can have the same effect as a daily dose of Prozac? In closing, remember, I am not saying pharmaceuticals are wrong, but want you to be AWARE that they are extremely powerful, possibly harmful, sometimes fatal, and can be life altering. Do your research and consider other alternatives to medications IF POSSIBLE. 

 When medications are necessary, use them with caution and be aware of any possible side effects that may be worse than your original condition and weigh the benefits of their use. Pray for guidance and ultimately put your trust in the Lord to lead you to make the right decision for your health. If you have any questions, please send me a private message and I’ll be glad to help you any way I can!

 InformativeLinks: https://deeprootsathome.com/antidepressants-death-pharmakia/ https://deeprootsathome.com/evidence-no-side-effect.../ https://deeprootsathome.com/dianne-craft-fish-oil-protocol/ https://deeprootsathome.com/helping-kids-with-focus.../ https://deeprootsathome.com/she-sat-in-the-corner-dr.../ https://deeprootsathome.com/psychiatric-drugs-deadly-risks/ https://deeprootsathome.com/your-dna-floxed-by-cipro.../ http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v09n07.shtml https://www.deadlymedicines.dk/.../G%c3%b8tzsche-Deadly... https://deeprootsathome.com/16-year-old-corey.../... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26e5PqrCePk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RcThf6Rs40 (Testimonies of side effects of Benzos)

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