Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Levaquin Toxicity and the Grace of God

I'd like to share my story of Levaquin toxicity with hope that I could help others who have experienced devastating effects from fluoroquinolones and encourage you to educate yourself before taking a medication in this class.
"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6
In April 2020 following the birth of my sweet baby girl, I was readmitted to the hospital after testing positive for a C-Diff infection and possible abscess that showed up on a cat scan. I was later told that I probably never had an abscess and it only appeared to look like one because of a substance they used during my emergency hysterectomy. To be safe, they decided to begin treatment both orally and through IV by taking Metronidazole, Levaquin, and Vancomycin. Levaquin alone is known as the "atomic bomb" of medications used to treat Anthrax poisoning and its use should be considered only as a last resort. Levaquin has an FDA black box warning, which is the strongest warning placed on a medication. It's concerning to me that doctors do not discuss the potential side effects of a medication most times and are often quick to dismiss any adverse effects that a patient experiences.
Within 30 minutes of taking Levaquin I experienced a sudden onset of panic attacks, severe stabbing pain throughout my entire body, and a feeling of disconnect from reality. Since this happened late at night I waited until morning to discuss the side effects with my doctor.

The morning the doctor came in to visit me I told him all I experienced, expecting him to be as alarmed as I was, but was met with a heartless, arrogant response, "How many years did you attend med school?" He told me there were no other options and that I had no choice of using another antibiotic and needed to trust him.
Because of Covid restrictions I was unable to have any visitors, including my husband who would have been my best advocate to insist on a change of medication. I went from taking Levaquin in IV form to a single once-a-day pill and was told I had to take the pill before I could leave the hospital. After arriving home, the side effects from taking the Levaquin continued to get worse until I decided enough was enough. I was not going to continue taking this poison. My husband had a medical professional tell him if they were him they would hold their wife down and force it down her throat and that I needed to continue taking it.
Levaquin's effects lasted almost an entire year and I've learned that some of the effects are completely irreversible such as permanent damage to the mitochondrial DNA.
Over the year directly following the medication I experienced panic attacks, anxiety, depersonalization, paranoia, delusions, loss of touch on my scalp, feet, and side of left hand, insomnia, heart palpitations, irratic heart rate, severe unexplained weight loss, joint pain in knees, elbows, ankles, and all fingers when bending, abnormal ALT and AST results, depression, extreme brain fog, loss of short term memory, inability to complete simple tasks, full body neuropathy, severe muscle weakness, and muscle atrophy. I wondered if I had a disease or mental illness. I even considered having a demon and asked others to pray over me.

I spent countless hours researching, which caused me to literally turn into a hypochondriac. I just "knew" I was dying from some incurable disease. I did not know at the time that I was experiencing the after effects from Levaquin. I just thought that once I stopped taking it I would be fine.
Before Levaquin I was on no medications and the only thing that ever showed up in blood work was auto-immune thyroid issues which I never had to take medication for since it's been normal for the last 8 years.

Following Levaquin I was put on an anti-depressant and benzo to help me cope with every day life. Every day I literally thought I was going to die and even wanted to so many times. For several months after taking Levaquin I could not even take care of my children, let alone myself. I would try to make a grocery list or follow a recipe and would just stand there and stare at it trying so hard to be able to comprehend and follow through with the simple task.
My husband became Mr. Mom. I hated it.
He worked all day and then would have to come home to cook supper, care for the kids, a newborn, and his wife. And I don't remember him ever complaining, EVEN ONCE, and that's not because of my short term memory loss. Ha! God gave Him supernatural grace and mercy to be able to do the things he did.
My once quiet husband turned into a literal evangelist who would spend hours reading scripture and preaching to me as he tried to bring me out of the dark pit I was in. He would play sermons, read God's Word, pray with me, love me, and would not stop fighting to get his wife back. He never gave up hope even when I did.

All I wanted to do was sleep 24/7 but was unable to fall sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. I just laid in bed until someone would literally have to drag me out and order me to take a shower. I remember trying to make oatmeal for breakfast and my arms being too tired to stir. I remember smelling something burning and realizing the side of my hand was being burned without feeling any type of pain. I was completely unable to even talk at most of my doctor appointments and my husband had to talk for me. I had so many off-the-wall delusional thoughts that lasted for almost an entire year and satan used this for his advantage.
Before Levaquin I felt close to the Lord. But what happens when a literal hell breaks lose in your mind and body and you no longer "feel" God's presence, or "feel" like a christian or "feel" like you are capable of contributing a single thing to His kingdom due to health/mental issues? What then? I can't tell you how many times I would have an overwhelming sense of being lost and beyond any hope of forgiveness. I was so weak mentally and physically and didn't understand why. Satan would whisper, "curse God and die", "How could a loving God allow this to happen?" I would beg God to deliver me from the hell that was going on in my mind.
Over the year I learned no to depend upon my feelings or my works to maintain salvation. We are created for good works, but they are not the way to get or maintain salvation or a way to win the approval of God. The only foundation we have is what God says in His Word regarding salvation and His character.

We have to choose to believe truth just because "it is written". We either trust His Word or we don't. And if we don't, we are calling God a liar. It is impossible for God to lie, but satan is the father of ALL lies. Despite what other prosperity preachers falsely claim, ALL christians through MANY trials and tribulations will enter the Kingdom of God. That's what God's Word says. We are not to be surprised at the fiery trials that are to try us and test our faith, but to expect them.
Please know I am not anti-medications or anti-doctors. There are many doctors, including one that treated me the past year, that truly listen to their patients and allow their patients freedom of choice without shaming them or dismissing them. There is a time and place to be on medications. I know that medications have saved countless lives, but have destroyed countless lives as well. We live in a fallen world and our bodies are broken from the fruit of sin and we are all suffering because of it.
I believe there are many out there labeled with mental disorders, fibromyalgia, and other diseases who have just experienced devastating effects from medications without being aware. These people are someone else's mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, child, friend, loved one. They might be you.
Every individual deserves to be warned about the potential side effects of their medication before taking it. We need to be aware when a prescribed medication has received a black box warning from FDA because of the adverse effects that are possible with only one use. FDA itself warns that Levaquin has "disabling and potentially permanent serious side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, central nervous system, and psychiatric reactions after only one dose."
Drugs included in this warning are part of the Fluoroquinolone family and include the following- Avelox, Baxdela, Ciprofloxacin, Gemifloxican, Levofloxacid, Norfloxacin, and Floxacin. Often these are handed out for a simple bladder or sinus infection.
Fluoroquinolones changes the normal function of mitochondrial DNA and depletes the body of magnesium and Thiamin (B1) among many other adverse effects. A deficiency in B1 can mimic Alzheimers and can lead to Korsakoff's Psychosis if not treated. Those most likely for this deficiency are diabetics, those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol, and those with heavy antibiotic use.
It has now been 15 months after Levaquin and I can thankfully say that I am about 80% better! I am now completely off of all medications and am able to manage my household and care for my family once again! Without the help and mighty intervention of God, my husband, parents, and doctor, I would not be where I am today. I still struggle with coming up with the right words to use in conversations because of brain fog, have short term memory loss, joint pain and dizziness, but I am continuing to improve each month!
I began taking several supplements and can tell a huge difference in my motivation and energy level after only 2 days taking 500 mg a day of B1 vitamin! What has worked for me may or may not work for you, but this is what I take daily.
B1- Thiamine- 500 mg
Chelated Magnesium Glycinate
Niacin- B3- 500 mg
Omega 3
D3- 5,000 IU
1 T. integrel collagen 2x daily in cup of hot tea
For sleep I take melatonin, magnesium, and valerian root which helps me sleep all night and wake up feeling motivated. I have never been a morning person and am usually a night owl, but after taking B1 I am now waking up around 6:00 and sometimes earlier ready to start the day.
For those reading this searching for answers and feeling hopeless due to the after effects following a medication, you can heal and there is hope! With God's help He can lead you to the right doctor and information needed to begin healing. Yes, I believe in miracles too. God can heal you instantly if He chooses, but often God allows a health crisis not because He is the author if it, for He is not the author of evil, but He allows even the bad and the devastating effects of this sin sick world to bring about good for those who love Him in order to bring glory to His name!

He is our only true healer, the great Physician who conquered death and trampled satan under His feet. And He is coming soon and will restore this fallen world to the perfection He originally created it to be. You don't have to live defeated, but with God's help, you can triumph and help others do the same, for the glory of His Name!
Please know you are not alone and it's normal to receive judgment and criticism from friends, family members, and even doctors who have not experienced this first hand. You are not the only one going through this and God can use this to grow in your intimacy with Him if you will allow Him.
"Jesus learned obedience by the things which He suffered, not by the things which He enjoyed. In order to fit you for His purposes both here and in eternity, He has lent you this sorrow. But He bears the heavier end of the Cross laid upon you!" Elisabeth Elliot
Hebrews 5:8-9
This story is not intended as medical advice. Please don't use this story to self diagnose or treat any illness. The story above should not be substituted for professionally provided medical advice and much prayer. Please also note that what helps one person may not help, and may even hurt, another person. It is important that you understand that supplements, prescription drugs, essential oils, and all other treatments, affect people differently depending on the millions of variables that make each of us unique.
In a 2001 study by Dr. Jay Cohen, the following reaction rates were documented:
Nervous system symptoms occurred in 91 percent of patients (pain, tingling and numbness, dizziness, malaise, weakness, headaches, anxiety and panic, loss of memory, psychosis)
Musculoskeletal symptoms in 73 percent of patients (tendon ruptures, tendonitis, weakness, joint swelling)

Sensory symptoms in 42 percent of patients (tinnitus, altered visual, olfactory, and auditory function)
Cardiovascular symptoms in 36 percent of patients (tachycardia, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations)
Skin reactions in 29 percent of patients (rashes, hair loss, sweating, intolerance to heat or cold)
Gastrointestinal symptoms in 18 percent of patients (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain)

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