Thursday, December 28, 2023

How to Be Perfectly Miserable

  1. Think only of yourself
  2. Expect to be appreciated
  3. Be envious of others 
  4. Be suspicious of others 
  5. Hold on to bitterness and offense
  6. Have high expectations of others
  7. Get upset when people are ungrateful to you for what you’ve done for them.
  8. Live for pleasure, always need to be entertained.
  9. Never serve others
  10. Think of all you don’t have
  11. Compare yourself with others
  12. Think people exist to make you happy
  13. Neglect your relationship with the Lord.
  14. Neglect good diet, exercise, and sleep.
  15. Spend all your time debating and arguing with others. 
  16. Resent being inconvenienced 
  17. Being a miser= MISERable. 
  18. Put your hope in people rather than God
  19. Take to heart everything people say to you
  20. Dwelling on the negative instead of what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. 

True happiness and contentment is only found in knowing, loving, and serving Jesus. It’s in dying to the flesh each and every day and taking up our cross and following Him. 

It’s in thinking of others and how we can be a blessing to someone else every single day.

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