Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Berry pickin' season!

My favorite time of year… well, besides Christmas; strawberry pickin’ season! I was beginning to worry that we wasn’t going to have any strawberries to pick this year because of all the rain we’ve had. This spring has been unseasonably wet. They are calling for another 3-4 inches of rain tomorrow evening. By this weekend it supposed to be in the upper 80’s and sunny which should be very helpful for our garden. Each year we plan on having a smaller garden, but instead it grows larger each year. We decided to plant a vast assortment of fruits and veggies this year. We planted asparagus, corn, green beans, green peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, watermelons, cantaloupes, onions, radishes, tomatoes, potatoes, and even pumpkins for the kids this fall! We will also have fresh peaches to pick for the 1st time this year from our 3 year old peach trees. Being a family of 5 we eat a lot of food and gardening greatly cuts down our grocery expense. The kids also enjoy picking and eating fresh fruits and vegetables; although they complain when asked to help pull weeds. I remind them- anything worth having is worth working for. Last year at this time I found gardening more of a chore than a pleasure due to a colicky baby. As of today, Ellie is now 15 months and also enjoys gardening. She planted her very 1st sunflower seed this year and enjoys eating fresh strawberries. Over the last several years of staying home with little ones I’ve come to appreciate the “simpler” things in life. It’s not very often that my husband of almost 10 years and I share a moment with only the two of us. I’ve come to realize the full extent of the saying “the most important things in life aren’t things”. Knowing the Lord, trying to make my home a haven, enjoying friends and family, and of course fresh picked berries are some things I am much grateful for. “I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” Laura Ingalls Wilder

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