Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Break?

During each school year I find myself looking forward to “summer break”. I anxiously await ice cream filled evenings, later bedtimes, sleeping in, and days that my kids can simply be kids. Over time I am beginning to learn that there is no such thing as summer break or any break for that matter when you have young kids at home. It seems that summers are busier than ever and my calendar is filled with places to go and people to see. There are days that it’s after lunch before I can finally take a shower. There are always hungry stomachs to feed, boo-boo’s to kiss, laundry to be cleaned, bills to be paid, dishes to be washed. Sometimes I long to have a day where I can choose to do absolutely nothing but day dream and enjoy the simplicity of life. I long for days where I can sleep in, read a book, and actually relax and watch my kids simply be kids. Life with kids is busy- life without kids is busy too!! I’m starting to see that I have to take the ordinary- the everyday things that has to be done and try to make them extra-ordinary. Instead of eating lunch inside we have a picnic lunch in our yard. Instead of going to bed early I watch an old time favorite “Mary Poppins” with the kids while eating homemade strawberry sundaes. Instead of dreadfully cooking supper I include my 2 oldest kids and let them help set the table and prepare the food. Instead of them looking at this as a chore they joyfully help me in the kitchen and feel a sense of accomplishment as they do something “all by themselves”. Usually by the end of July I am looking forward to school starting so things will “slow down”, but this year I am going to strive to enjoy living in the moment. I realize if I am always looking ahead to the future then I’m not really living for today.

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