Thursday, February 2, 2023

What I Want to Say to Young Moms

I was expecting my first child before marriage, in the middle of college, my boyfriend and I were both teenagers, and not living for Jesus. Things looked pretty bleak for us as we got married and we wasn’t off to a good start. BUT GOD 🙌🏻🙌🏻 got ahold of both of our hearts and we repented of our sin and decided to live our lives for Him. He hasn’t called us across the world (yet) or up on a platform for all to see. God called us to live behind the scenes raising children for Him. 

God had to continue changing our hearts because we were both selfish and it took truly dying to self to answer the call to stay at home and homeschool our children. 

There were days I wanted to throw in the towel and I often felt like what I did didn’t have much value and that I wasn’t REALLY serving God when my life was full of mundane matters.

 Making 3 meals a day, changing diapers, settling sibling squabbles, teaching a child now how to write their name, comforting a crying child, nursing a sick child, doing the dishes and laundry, just to do it again and again and again day after day. 

But now I’m an older mom and have more wisdom. 

Wish I had the same amount of wisdom when I was young. 
Maybe that’s why God tells the OLDER women to teach and instruct the younger women to love their husbands, children, and be keepers at home in Titus 2.

 Us older moms still don’t have it all figured out, but we have traveled further down the road and have learned from our many struggles and even failures.

 Some advice I’d give to you young moms is to accept God’s calling on your life. “In acceptance lieth peace.” (Amy Carmichael) Have an eternal vision for raising your little ones.
 “Without a vision people will perish”.
 It’s what keeps you going on the hard days and helps you not give up. 
Things will not always be the way they are now.
If things are easy, things will get hard. Sorry, it’s the truth. Life is full of ups and downs. If things are just plain hard now, things will be completely different soon. The colic will end, the sweet little baby snuggles will be over, the sleepless nights will become a thing of the past.

 Love is spelled T-I-M-E. Spend quality time with your children, and if possible, consider homeschooling them. 

Care about what they care about. If something is important to your child, it’s important. Care about the baby doll who has a hurt toe, the little boy whose toy truck got stuck in the mud. Play along with those children. You can’t expect them to tell you the big things when they’re older if you wouldn’t listen to the “little” things when they were young. 

Nothing beats a poor attitude and bad mood than putting on a big smile, choosing joy! Don’t live by your feelings! We can choose to live by God’s Spirit every day and not according to how we feel. Cause sleepless nights make us FEEL lousy. Turn on the praise music, speak life giving words to your family. Don’t let how you feel ruin your family’s day. 

Be careful what media outlets you have in your home. What music are your kids listening to, what movies are they watching? What friends are they hanging around? 
We can’t expect a steady diet of trash to produce anything good. Be militant. This is completely counter cultural, but as an older mom who learned the hard way, I’d highly recommend waiting until your child is 17 or even an adult before having a phone with internet access. GABB phones offer cell phones without internet.
 And if your young child does have one, please don’t allow them to be on it at night after bed! Too much temptation for a child to handle. 

Don’t neglect prayer or God’s Word. This should be #1!! God’s Word says unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain who build it. Meaning everything we do is worthless without God. 

Yield to God every day and let Him love and live through you! Lastly, enjoy the ride. 

It doesn’t last long.

 The days are long, but the years are short. 

You’ll be a Grandparent before you know it and begin the next stage of sharing God’s amazing truth with the next generation of warriors!

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